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What Happens between Israel and Palestine Explained?

What Happens between Israel and Palestine Explained?


The British Mandate Palestine (Under British Control) was split between Israel and Arabs on May 14, 1948. Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, and Iraqi expeditionary forces entered Palestine on May 15, 1948. After seizing control of the Arab districts, the invading forces attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish villages. However, after 9 months of fighting, Israel won the war against the Arabs, regaining the UN-proposed Jewish state as well as taking over 60% of the Arab state. On June 5, 1967, six Arab nations closed the Strait of Tiran and prepared to annihilate Israel. But, once again, Israel’s intelligence was too powerful, and they launched a series of preemptive bombings against the Arab coalition. Following the end of the conflict,Israel seized the Golan Heights, Gaza, and the West Bank. The war was over in six days. OSLO Peace.

Treaties of 1993: With the assistance of the United States, Israel and Palestine attempted to resolve their conflict. However, no remedy was found. Israel was willing to embrace a two-state solution. However, the peace effort failed. 2005: Israel withdraws its military and citizens from Gaza unilaterally. The unilateral disengagement process began in August 2005, and by September, around 9,000 Jews living in 25 settlements had been evicted, and Israeli military had completely withdrawn from the Gaza Strip to the Green Line, a 1949 Armistice Line defining Israel’s borders with its Arab neighbors. A year after Israel’s pullout, Palestinian voters chose Hamas (Terrorist Organization) to govern Gaza.This resulted in a brief civil war in Palestine.

Hamas now controlled Gaza, while Fatah ruled the West Bank. Terrorism has been used as a state policy by the #Hamas since 2006. So, if you look back through history, you will notice that it was always the Arab world who initiated the conflict but ended up losing territory to Israel. Even after the 2005 Peace Process, Gaza people elected a terrorist organization to reign over them. Ideology of Hamas: The organisation advocates for the formation of an Islamic Palestinian state to replace the current state of Israel and believes in the use of violence to destroy #Israel.

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